Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is used to provide a relaxing and anxiety-free experience for certain people receiving dental treatment. It enables individuals too afraid to go to the dentist to receive the dental care they need while avoiding the common apprehension known as dental phobia.

Did you know that over 30% of population avoids dental appointments due to anxiety or fear? Unfortunately, ignoring dental problems doesn’t make them go away. It only makes them worse.

Our experienced dentist helps the patients remain relaxed, calm, and at-ease throughout their appointments. Our high-tech approach allows for minimally-invasive and high-comfort treatments that produce amazing enhancing results.

If you value your lifetime health and wellness, you owe it to yourself to find a dentist who will help you overcome your dental anxiety or fear of going to the dentist.

These are the various methods we use in our office to perform sedation.

Nitrous Oxide

It is also called as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is used to help patients at Smiles Hut Dental to overcome anxiety and stay calm during dental visit and treatments.

With nitrous oxide the patients are fully conscious and able to interact with dentist during treatment. We use a specially designed mask that only covers your nose and won’t make you feel claustrophobic.

Nitrous oxide is completely safe and there’s no recovery period. When you remove the mask the effects of the gas wear off in minutes.


Iatrosedation, defined as the relief of anxiety through the dentist’s behavior, is the building block for all other forms of psychosedation.

Iatrosedation is a modern approach to the doctor-patient relationship that can reduce anxiety and fear without the need for any medication.

Dr Javed has been trained for Iatrosedation techniques that allow her to use her expressions, gestures, and movements to induce a state of relaxation in her patients.

If you are looking for a way to reduce anxiety with no medication then at Smiles Hut Dental you have this right option.

Conscious Oral Sedation

For patients who need extra help overcoming dental phobia or anxiety, we offer conscious oral sedation. This form of sedation dentistry uses oral medications to help feel patients relaxed and at ease during their dental visit.

With conscious oral sedation you will be awake throughout treatment and able to communicate with your dentist. It is completely safe and does not require the use of needles or other invasive treatments.